CS 385 Lab 14, Spring 2009

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Due date: Monday, May 11, 1:00 PM


In preparation for this lab, you should read the following article:

Adl-Tabatabai, Kozyrakis, and Saha, "Unlocking concurrency," ACM Queue, December 2006. [http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1189288]

This article describes transactional memory (TM), an alternative to managing synchronization with locks.


You will turn in your writeup electronically, as a text file. To get a good grade on the writeup, your answers should be in your own words and should show that you have worked to understand the article and that you are prepared for discussion.

Answer all of the questions in the following list:

  1. What are data races and deadlocks, and how can they occur with locks? Explain. Why would TM avoid these problems? What's the downside?
  2. Explain in your own words why versioning is needed and the difference between eager and lazy versioning.
  3. Explain in your own words why conflict detection is needed and the difference between pessimistic and optimistic conflict detection.
  4. For either hardware transactional memory or software transactional memory, explain how versioning and conflict detection are handled.

Answer two of the questions in the following list:

  1. The terms "scalability" and "composition" are used throughout the article; explain them in your own words.
  2. Explain the analogy between transactional memory and database transactions.
  3. Explain Figure 2: what does it show, and why does that result occur?
  4. Explain the challenges that nested transactions present for a TM system.

Submitting your writeup

Make sure that your writeup is named yourlastnameL14.txt, and then copy it to ~srivoire/cs385/submit. Wait 2 minutes, and then check that it was correctly submitted by visiting http://rivoire.cs.sonoma.edu/cs385/lab14sub.txt.