CS 385.04 Week 16 Post-Class: Final thoughts

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This class was a total experiment, and I'm so grateful to y'all for being the guinea pigs. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I know you have your usual course evaluations (please do them!), and I'll see those. But I'm also looking for a few specific things to shape our next offering of this type of course, which I hope will be next Fall.

Assignment requirements

Answer all of the following questions:

  1. What was the most valuable component of this course? No need to explain this answer.
  2. What would you like to expand or add?
  3. In your opinion, what's the right size for this course? With 36 students, group work is key and you get less personal attention from me -- is that OK? Should it be larger, smaller, or about the same?

Thank you so much! I hope you'll keep in touch about your job search and work experiences, which will help me provide an accurate picture for the next generation of students. Happy holidays!