CS 385.04 Week 3 Pre-Class: Another resume draft
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You've brainstormed the content -- now it's time to fit it all on one attractive page! If you follow the requirements below, you'll get full credit -- any further sprucing up is completely up to you.
This assignment is due at the beginning of class on September 5, in BOTH electronic and hard copy.
The electronic copy should be a single PDF submitted via Moodle. Corrupted or unreadable files will not receive any credit, and submissions in formats other than PDF may lose points.
Your resume format has two goals: first, to make it as easy as possible for the busy hiring manager to understand and appreciate your accomplishments. Second, you need to signal that you know how to follow professional norms. Doing unusual or cutesy things is a high-risk, high-reward gamble. It's your choice whether to do that when applying for jobs, but for this class, you will need to show that you understand the usual conventions. That way, if you break them, you'll break them on purpose!
Assignment requirements
Page and file setup
- Exactly one 8.5x11" page, single-sided
- All margins between 0.5 and 1 inch
- The filename of your document contains your first and last names, and the word "resume." This makes it as easy as possible for the hiring manager if you're submitting your resume electronically.
- Color is used VERY sparingly, if at all. Your resume must be readable and professional in black and white.
This is really content rather than style, but I forgot to specify it last time! Your heading needs to contain the following elements:
- Your first and last name. Middle names/initials and nicknames are optional. Your name should clearly stand out, above all the other content.
- Your personal or school email address. Never use a work email address to apply for other jobs -- it's not an acceptable use of one company's resources to apply to other companies!
- Your phone number
- Your postal address
- (optional) Your website or GitHub info, if it reflects well on you
- Consistent formatting of section titles and section body, with regard to font style and size, text alignment, and list style
- Bulleted lists instead of large blocks of text. However, you should only use bullets if you have multiple items in a list -- the thinking is that if you have only one item, it's not much of a list and doesn't deserve a bullet.
- All fonts are professional and readable, and between 10 and 14 pt