CS 115 Lab 2, Part E: Draw squares and circles in the graphics window

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Follow these instructions on your local computer to start writing graphical programs.


  1. You will need to use IDLE for Part E, regardless of how you did Parts B, C, and D. If it's not already open, open IDLE on your local computer.
  2. Go to the File menu and select "New File."
  3. Copy the following text into that file:
    Lab 2E: This program draws a square and a circle
    and computes their areas.
    Author: _____________
    from graphics import *
    import math
    def main():
        # Draw the graphics window
        win = GraphWin("Lab 02e", 800, 800)
        # Draw the prompt to the user, centered near the top of the screen
        prompt = Text(Point(400, 50), 'Enter a number:')
        prompt.setSize(18)  # 18-point font
        prompt.setTextColor('black')  # just an example; black is the default
        # Draw the text box for the user to type in,
        # centered just under the prompt and 20 characters long
        entry_box = Entry(Point(400, 100), 20)
        # Draw the button for the user to click
        button = Rectangle(Point(375, 175), Point(425, 225))
        # Draw the "OK" in the button
        button_text = Text(Point(400, 200), 'OK')
        # Wait for the user to click on the button
        clicked_point = win.getMouse()  # wait for a click
        click_valid = False
        while not click_valid:
            # see if the click was actually on the button
            if 375 <= clicked_point.getX() <= 425 and 175 <= clicked_point.getY() <= 225:
                click_valid = True
                clicked_point = win.getMouse()  # wait for a new click
        length = float(entry_box.getText())  # what the user typed
        square_area = 0
        circle_area = 0
        ##### Hint: they should be expressions involving the length variable #####
        sq_top_left = Point(0, 0)
        sq_bottom_right = Point(200, 200)
        square = Rectangle(sq_top_left, sq_bottom_right)
        ##### Optional: Change the colors of the square #####
        # Display the calculated area
        area_message = Text(Point(400, 725), 'The area of the square is ' + str(square_area) + '.')
        area_message.setTextColor('black')  # just an example; black is the default
        # Display message about how to get the circle
        bottom_prompt = Text(Point(400, 750), 'Click anywhere in this window to draw the circle.')
        circle_center = Point(0, 0)
        radius = 200
        circle = Circle(circle_center, radius)   
        ##### Optional: Change the colors of the circle #####
        # Show the area of the circle instead of the square
        area_message.setText('The area of the circle is ' + str(round(circle_area, 3)) + '.')
        # Display message about how to exit
        bottom_prompt.setText('Click anywhere in this window to exit.')
        # Leave the window open until the user clicks in it, then close
  4. Go to "File" and then "Save As", and save your file as lab02e.py in the default directory.
  5. Go to the Run menu, then select Run Module. When you run the program, a graphics window should pop up. It may pop up in the background, so you may need to look in the start bar or dock for it. It will have this icon:
    Python rocket icon
  6. Type any numeric value in the entry box, and click in the window when prompted. The square should appear at the top left, only the bottom right corner of the circle should appear, and the areas should print as 0.
  7. Just like in Lab 1, you will make strategic changes to the code to fix these problems. Start by finding the section of the code labeled "CHANGE THE AREA CALCULATIONS." Change the two lines of code that calculate the area of the square and circle. You should be able to copy these expressions from lab02bcd.py.
  8. Run your program and verify that it prints the correct areas at the bottom of the graphics window. The shapes themselves will still be messed up.
  9. Next, you will fix the circle. Find the section of the code labeled "CHANGE THE CIRCLE'S CENTER AND RADIUS," and make the following changes:
  10. Run your program twice, entering different positive values between 10 and 400 each time. The circle should be perfectly centered in the window, and its size should change according to the user's input.
  11. Feel free to change the color of the circle where indicated. This page has the full list of colors.
  12. Your final task is to fix the square so that it is the right size and centered in the window. Find the section of the code labeled "CHANGE THE COORDINATES OF THE SQUARE'S CORNERS," and change the numeric x and y values of sq_top_left and sq_bottom_right. The ungraded question from your pre-lab asked you to think about this problem. The changes that you make should work regardless of the side length, as long as it's between 0 and 800.

    Stuck? Try this problem-solving strategy before calling for help: Still stuck? Flag down a member of the course staff, show them what you've been thinking, and ask for a hint.
  13. Run your program at least twice, entering different positive values between 10 and 400 each time.
  14. Change the color of the square if you like, and rerun your program.
  15. Call a member of the course staff to demo your program. You will only be demo-ing this part of the lab, not submitting your code for further testing.
  16. Continue to Part F.