CS 425 Homework 4, Fall 2015


You will parallelize two serial programs using MPI. As always, you may work in groups of up to 3.

Due date

Submit your tarfiles by Friday, Oct. 30 at 10:45 AM.

Getting started

On cwolf, copy all of the files in ~srivoire/cs425/pickup/hw4 into your directory. You should have:

There is a Moodle forum for HW 4. In particular, please feel free to post any test cases you use and any bugs you encounter in the starter code -- particularly in the Game of Life, which has been only lightly tested.


Turn in a tarfile (created with -cvf flags) containing the following:

Submit your tarfile on cwolf:

~srivoire/bin/submit 425

and choose L07 for the assignment. Check for your name on the confirmation page (which will be for "Lab 7").

Collaboration and Citation

You are welcome to discuss optimization strategies with each other and others, but the course collaboration policy about not sharing your code with others is in full effect, and your writeup must also be your own work. You should feel free to do research on optimizing these specific problems and on MPI; however, you should cite your sources in your writeup in order to avoid committing academic misconduct.

Estimating pi: 50 points

The provided pi_estimate.c is a serial program that estimates the value of pi by the following method. It selects (x, y) values at random from the interval [-1, 1] (in other words, a square with a side length of 2 and an area 4). We know that the area of a circle inscribed in this square will be equal to π*r2 = π. Therefore, if our points are truly selected at random, the ratio of the number of points in the circle to the total number of points should approach π / 4. This gives us a way to estimate the value of pi, which will be more accurate as we add more points.

The provided code does this serially. Your job is to parallelize it using MPI. Some tips and specs:

You can change the starter code as much as you want, as long as it meets this specification.

Performance analysis writeup

To start, find a number of throws that takes a few minutes (2-10) for 1 process to complete. Let's call the runtime T and the number of throws N.

Submit a writeup that includes the following information:

Game of Life: 50 points

The provided game_of_life.c is a serial program implementing the standard 2D version of Conway's Game of Life -- please read the linked Wikipedia article for background.

The starter code expects the number of generations as a command-line input. It expects the game board itself to come from standard input. To specify the board, you should first give the number of rows, then the number of columns. After that, provide the cell values as 0 or 1, separated by whitespace.

I've provided one test case: the "blinker" example from the Wikipedia page. To run it, first run make and then do:

./life.x 10 < blinker.txt 

This will run 10 generations and print the board after each generation so that you can verify the blinker pattern.

Your job is to parallelize this code using MPI and a geometric decomposition (see Problem 21 on p. 389 of your textbook for hints). You do not need to time it. Further specifications: