CS 425 Homework 3, Fall 2015


You will parallelize and optimize a matrix multiplication program using OpenMP. As always, you may work in groups of up to 3.

Due date

Submit your tarfile by Friday, Oct. 16 at 10:45 AM.


Turn in a tarfile (created with -cvf flags) containing the following:

Getting started

Copy these two files into your project directory on cwolf:

You are responsible for defining the matmult function prototyped matmult-stub.h in your own C++ file(s). I will test your code with my own copies of the two provided files, so your code needs to work with these files as written in order to get credit. The main program in matmult-stub.cpp does the following:

To get started, you can base your code on the sequential correctness-checking code from matmult-stub.cpp.


You must not sacrifice correctness for parallel performance. Your code must pass the correctness check for:


You may optimize your code either for cwolf or for one of the machines in Darwin 25 or 28. You should specify which one you chose in your writeup. Note that on Linux, including on cwolf, you can get all kinds of information about the processor by typing

cat /proc/cpuinfo

If you use cwolf, since you do not have exclusive access, you must run all performance measurements three times and report the individual measurements and the average.

Hints for optimizing your code

You must attempt at least 4 optimizations; compiler flags alone can be at most one of them. The correctness of your code and the quality of your optimizations are worth 50% of your assignment grade.


Your writeup is worth 50% of your assignment grade and must contain the following information for each optimization:

Your writeup should also summarize which of your optimizations performed best, and why.


Submit your tarfile (as described above) on cwolf:

~srivoire/bin/submit 425

and choose L05 for the assignment. Check for your name on the confirmation page (which will be for "Lab 5").

Collaboration and Citation

You are welcome to discuss optimization strategies with each other and others, but the course collaboration policy about not sharing your code with others is in full effect, and your writeup must also be your own work. You should feel free to do research on optimizing matrix multiplication and on OpenMP; however, you should cite your sources in your writeup in order to avoid committing academic misconduct.