CS 425 Homework 2, Fall 2015

Due Monday, September 28 at 10:45 AM. No late submissions accepted.


Complete the following problems. Submission instructions accompany each problem.

For each problem, you may work in groups of up to 3 students and turn in a single solution. You can work with a different group for each problem on this assignment.

You will submit a separate tarfile for each problem. You should do a "make clean" before creating the tarfile. Each tarfile should contain ONLY the following files:

Note: cwolf's resource limits

If you run your program and get error messages about how cwolf is unable to allocate resources for you, you need to run your program again with fewer threads! But first, you need to kill the offending process. Here's how:

  1. Log into cwolf from another terminal.
  2. Type ps -u yourusername
  3. You should see one column that has the offending process's name in the "CMD" column. For example:
    63398 pts/35   00:01:20 ./badProcess.x
    Kill that process using its process number. In this example, I would type:
    kill -9 63398
    (The -9 means that you're really, really serious about killing this process.)

Problem 1: Parallel addition and synchronization (35 points)

Make a directory for this project on cwolf, and populate it with the contents of the ~srivoire/cs425/pickup/lab01 directory. You should have these files:

Activity for 9/15

You'll do the first part of this problem as a separate activity grade on September 15 as a series of demos, worth a total of 40 points:

You may want to reduce BIGNUM (by removing 1 or 2 of the zeroes) for the activity. Just remember to put it back later!

Remember to restore the original value of BIGNUM when you're finished!

For online submission

In addition to the two functions just described, you should implement the remaining functions. Here's how:

Insert timing code into main where indicated. Using the restored value of BIGNUM, report and explain the times reported for at least 5 different values of num_threads. All of your num_threads values should be powers of 2. You're encouraged to collect this data in a spreadsheet and submit a PDF.

To submit Problem 1, tar the 4 files named above, your writeup, and a group_members.txt file if applicable. Then run this command on cwolf:

~srivoire/bin/submit 425

Type L01 when prompted for the assignment number. If your tarfile is named something other than lab01.tar, type its name when prompted. Be sure to look for a file beginning with your last name on the confirmation page. You can submit as many times as you want; only the final submission counts.

Problem 2: Producer-Consumer Parallelism (35 points)

Make a directory for this project on cwolf, and populate it with the contents of the ~srivoire/cs425/pickup/lab02 directory. You should have these files:

Main() has code to make the calls to A sequentially, and then in parallel with the calls to B. If you run the provided code with a reasonable number of threads (e.g. 4 to 32), the sequential and parallel versions will yield different results a significant fraction of the time.

Your mission is to make the CQueue class thread-safe. In particular, note that pop() should block (wait) until there is a value to pop. You can do this in one of two ways: with mutexes, or with condition variables (which you would need to investigate on your own).

Your tarfile should include these 3 files along with your group_members.txt file if applicable. Follow the instructions for submitting Problem 1, except use "L02" as the assignment, and use this confirmation page.

Problem 3: Parallel Quicksort (30 points)

Make a directory for this project on cwolf, and populate it with the contents of the ~srivoire/cs425/pickup/lab03 directory. You should have these files:

Your code to read the input file and write the output file can be borrowed from your mergesort implementation from HW 1.

I strongly recommend that you get a sequential quicksort working before you try to parallelize it; again, the Wikipedia pseudocode for Lomuto partitioning is a great place to start.

Once your sequential quicksort is working, parallelize it using the pseudocode on p. 51 of your textbook as a guide. Like in the pseudocode, if the sub-array to be sorted is smaller than a certain threshold, you should use your sequential quicksort algorithm instead.

For the sake of your fellow cwolf users, do not attempt to sort files that are too large! Start very small (fewer than 100 elements). For a threshold of 16, it should be safe to go up to 500,000 elements, but not necessarily farther.

Once your parallelized code is working correctly, submit it under "L03" and check this confirmation page.